About Us
We think of ourselves as a church for the whole Community, for worship and as a place for many social groups to gather.
We are part of the national United Reformed Church, although many of our members have belonged to other denominations previously, and some are new to Christianity.
A group of Elders elected by the membership lead the Church. We welcome our new minister, Revd Martyn Neads in September 2023, who also has responsibility for the URC in Harpenden, and a small group in Wheathampstead. Major decisions are referred to our bi-monthly church meeting and there are a few subcommittees especially for large projects. Day to day, the church community centre is supported by many volunteers and our Staff: currently Wendy (Outreach to Families), Allison (Administration) and Lee (Caretaking).
We take guidance from the national URC church on policies such as Safeguarding and Data Privacy. We are careful in recruiting volunteers and will carry out DBS checks for the roles when they are relevant.
We maintain strong relationships with other URC churches in Hertfordshire and are part of a group of churches called Heartland which comprises of Wheathampstead – Harpenden – WGC – Brickett Wood – Chiswell Green – Homewood Road – Trinity – St. Ninian’s – Bury Park – Edward Street – St. Katherine’s – Wigmore.
Our local cluster includes the churches in Wheathampstead and Harpenden.This allows us to share our resources and to join in worship with them from time to time
The Revd Jane Weedon was our previous Minister until Sep 2021 - pictured here with Revd Dr Andrew Prasad at her induction.
You can find a link to the national URC site here http://www.urc.org.uk
Details about the local Thames North Synod is here http://www.urcthamesnorth.org.uk
Safeguarding people is a core part of our mission.
WGC URC safeguards the integrity of creation, and we all walk the way to ensure there is a sustained community of care where everyone - particularly the most vulnerable - find a place of love, pastoral care and support.
We adhere fully to the Safeguarding policy of the United Reformed Church; the latest copy being displayed in the Vestibule. It is also available on the national URC website.